Our care philosophy is centred on the individual. Every person we care for is unique and so is every care plan we put together, being specially tailored to meet the needs of that individual. At Fairfield House we exercise our philosophy from the very first time we meet a new resident and their family.
Our Approach to Care
Our care philosophy is centred on the individual.
We consider our philosophy of care to be the promotion of:
- Ensuring a continuously high standard of person centred care
- Maximising independence
- Encouraging an emphasis on choice
- Providing a varied and stimulating social programme
- Offering friendly and experienced staff
At Fairfield House we have introduced “Communication and Care Giving in Dementia: a Positive Vision” by Dr Gemma Jones for all our staff. We send our staff on a course which covers dementia care in detail and the effects of sensory-perceptual deficits on behaviour in people with dementia.

Find out more on our policies on“Good Care is based on understanding and to do goodness to a person means to increase their dignity. Ideal Care could be defined as an attitude and supportive actions which make a person feel valued, safe, nurtured and cared for, regardless of their illness, irrespective of their gender, race, creed, past achievements or their short comings as a human being”
GMM Jones 2002
A Case Study in Dementia Care
Mr Smith, who is a widow and has dementia, is trying to find his way out of the residence, you are trying to stop him. He tells you his wife is at home waiting for him. “She is ill and needs me, please help me to get out of here, can’t you see it’s cruel to keep me here when I should go home.” How do you react?
To deal with this situation our staff are taught techniques to allay fear and to validate the feelings of our dementia clients. All behaviour has meaning, including behaviour in dementia, and purpose. It can sometimes be difficult to find out the reason behind a particular behaviour. Blaming dementia can result in missed opportunities to understand changed perceptions and alleviate underlying illness or injury or fear and frustration.